Friday, October 25, 2019

The Nursing Shortage Essays -- Nurse Medical Medicine Health 2014

Table of Contents The Problem 2 The Causes of the Nursing Shortage 2 The Impact of the Nursing Shortage 5 Current Federal Legislation 6 Alternatives 8 Recommendations 9 Works Cited 11 The Problem Current literature continues to reiterate the indicators of a major shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in the United States. The total RN population has been increasing since 1980, which means that we have more RNs in this country than ever before (Nursing Shortage). Even though the RN population is increasing, it is growing at a much slower rate then when compared to the rate of growth of the U.S. population (Nursing Shortage). We are seeing less skilled nurses â€Å"at a time of an increasingly aging population with complex care needs and an increasingly complex technological care environment† (Mion). According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Department of Health and Human Services, it is estimated that â€Å"more than a million new and replacement nurses will be needed over the next decade† (Diagnosis: Critical). A chronic nursing shortage has been a reoccurring problem that impacts the future of our health care system and, even more so, the future quality of long-term care in this country. Currently, there are several federal and state initiatives, organizations, and agencies dedicated to solutions of the shortage. However, we continue to lack the necessary number of RNs needed to deliver quality care to a population with growing health care demands. The Causes of the Nursing Shortage There are several factors that are considered the causes of the nursing shortage. Literature suggests that the shortage is linked to factors related to current population trends and the nature of the health care e... ...rvey.htm>. Spetz, Joanne, and Sara Adams. "How Can Employment-Based Benefits Help the Nurse Shortage?" Health Affairs 25 (Jan.-Feb. 2006): 212-218. ProQuest . Ithaca Coll. Lib., Ithaca, NY. 10 Dec. 2012. . "State Legislative Initiatives to Address the Nursing Shortage." American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Oct. 2006. 11 Dec. 2012 . "Toward a Method for Identifying Facilities and Communities with Shortages of Nurses." Health Resourses and Services Administration. 2004. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 5 Dec. 2012 . "What Works: Healing the Healthcare Staffing Shortage." Modern Healthcare 37.29 (July 2007). ABI/INFORM. ProQuest. Ithaca Coll. Lib., Ithaca, NY. 2 Dec. 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .

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