Saturday, December 14, 2019

Marketing Led of Turkish Airlines Free Essays

To: Adrian Edwards From: Guler kaya Date: 03 November 2011 Report title: The marketing plan of Turkish Airlines 1 Introduction / Terms of Reference The report will be concluded with an overall summary of the company situation, market share and evaluation of its future marketing activities. The objective of this marketing plan is further developing Turkish airlines market share in 2010/11 period through marketing program and initiatives. Savoir of the Turkish nation and motherland, founder of the Republic on 16 February 1925 guidance of the Great Leader Ataturk â€Å"Turkish Aeronautical Association† was founded under the name of the Turkish Aeronautical Association, the Great Turkish nation living with the material and moral support, embrace and love of aviation is an organization working for . We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Led of Turkish Airlines or any similar topic only for you Order Now Turkish Aeronautical Association, not political activity, not only is an organization working in areas related to aviation. The Authority technical and administrative matters, shall cooperate with the Air Force, Air Force will ask the opinion of the principle decisions before creating. Turkish Aeronautical Association, 5 August 1925 by the Council of Ministers was among the non-profit associations. The Authority is a member of the International Aeronautical Federation, Turkey, and Aeronautical Federation is the authority. The President and Cabinet, the spiritual guardians of the Turkish Aeronautical Association. The Agency’s headquarters in Ankara. Turkish airlines celebrated 75th year in civil aviation in 2008, where they started with only 19 seat capacity, now making plans to be one of the major players of the global market. Turkish Airlines Inc. or Turk Hava Yollari A. O. (THY), is the flag carrier of Turkish air transportation. Its 70 aircraft comprise one of the youngest fleets in Europe. More than ten million passengers a year fly THY’s network of 100 destinations, three-quarters of them international. THY was formed in 1933 as a domestic carrier. It built up an international network after World War II but eventually was hindered by mishaps and poor customer relations. The airline began a turnaround in the mid-1980s. It slowly began a privatization process in 1990, when 2 percent of stock was floated. This was accelerated in late 2004 with the offering of an additional 20 percent of shares. Profit of TL 107 trillion in 2004 to 12 million passengers, Turkish airline companies that serve technical e. g. KLM, SAS, FLY AIR, DELTA Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Olympic Airways, Sun Express, MNG Airway much like company plane maintenance of domestic and foreign repairs Turkey. Turkish airlines representation in the world will announce the name of the biggest brand in the future growth around the globe Turkish Airlines experienced and quality through the in the former has a superior power, and quality of all working team is growing. Class caters best to the world economy Turkish airline 1. 060 of the world arrive at the of as the number of passengers and the quality of Europe’s fastest growing, developing airway, they are a huge family of 15 thousand persons in the service of the world. In addition 1 year in the city of the world in more than 160 humanitarian blew more than 25 million and a third of Europe’s best airline company. Turkish Airlines Industry THY had some features that makes it strong in the sector. First of all, THY charges close to a discount-airline. Secondly, it offers a business class service on both overseas and domestic flights. Moreover, THY offers a frequent flyer program (an example to this is; MilesSmiles) Fourthly, it competes with international and domestic airlines and long distance inter-city bus services (through price cuts). Finally, THY had the best landing slots (in Istanbul Ankara) and it is the only Turkey based international carrier. Unfortunately, THY has some weaknesses such as; acting    like a legacy airline, but does not qualifying as one. Furthermore, THY is not a name brand. Thirdly, there are no strategic partnerships (high point cost per redeemed flight) (weak frequent flyer program with high costs). Also there are lack of customer orientation    and lack of service culture . Finally, its fleet size is small. There are some opportunities like; THY sees itself as a competitive enterprise rather than a government agency. Secondly,    THY has the confidence of financial markets , also, THY has a year or two before foreign discount airlines are allowed to fly to Istanbul and other Turkish markets . Finally, the expected rise in world airline    passenger traffic can be an opportunity for THY. We can sum up the threats THY faces as 3 categories; short-term threats, medium-term threats and long-term threats. To begin with, short-Term Threats are the expansion of existing competitors    and the entry of new competitors . Secondly, medium-term threat is; Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya and Ankara destinations will be available for discount routes from major European centers. Finally, long-term threats are; firstly, the European Union’s adoption of a true ‘open skies’ policy    (which will lead all international carriers to enter domestic market of THY. Secondly, terorism and war fears (decrease in the amount of tourists). Lastly, low cost travelling to other destinations (from Europe)   2. Finding: 2. 1 Social Factor On development, the international arena, competitors, customers on the airline does not always process-oriented, customer-focused pandemic disease, climate conditions, and transportation. for example if you have the swine flu in country after country, this does not mean other countries can not be bi, air field coming from each country, so people trying to cross the country without going out of control, must necessarily. Turkish Airlines passenger if it is the best example of the Turkish Airlines for the first time to enter the country is doing, and it enters the body through the countries in check is also. . Airline companies, upping the ante to take security measures due to recent terrorist attacks, security measures have had a dramatic change. And security enhancement, in a sense, the pilot, passengers and their families to ease the minds, but also the terminal, the airport ticket counter, the amount of time and effort needed to get the gate increases the anxiety and frustration. Because, a few successful security breaches have occurred in the last decade, the luxury of being too loose for the safety of airlines will never again own. Turkish Airlines has received many awards because the security in terms of the number of disciplinary and experienced for example, once an institution, I have travelled to Istanbul, Turkish Airlines plane, and security all acted according to law and no one checked item in a separate treatment did not. 2. 2 Economical factors – THY ticket prices dropped by half compared with 2003 dollars and euro terms. Worked 10 percent profit margin. The most important thing was for a long time to grow healthy. – The number of passengers was 10 million to 35 million. The number of passengers increased by 6 times with other airlines. Turnover increased by 5 times world. – This is a good example in the same way. – 12 thousand to 16 thousand in 2010, the number of employees currently gets 90 percent of the time. What does need to be first on this subject? – increase its market share in the world’s largest airline. – 7. billion dollars this year, 40 percent of which will remain in Turkey. 2. 3 Legal factor i. Turkish Airlines Website conditions of use ii. Privacy Policy statement iii. General conditions of Carriage(passenger and Baggage) iv. Legal Notice Passenger Rights v. Terms ; Conditions (web-Mobile) 2. 4 Political Factors THY was a government-owned, national flag carrier. Labour agreement has powerful (Turkish Civil Union of Aviation). Discounters suit t hemselves and make money from receipts thanks to regulations of government. In 2002, the new Turkish Government announced, it would no t be subsidization for THY. The State privatization Administration launched a public share offering. Trust of financial markets without the need for government guarantees. 2. 5 Technological Factors Accordance with European standards of international quality certificates, high-tech centre of the worlds, Turkish Technical one of the centres of more than 30 airlines as much in many domestic and foreign offers. Plane, the trunk, and aims to become the number one engine regard * Satellite programming, wireless internet access, * satellite monitors at every seat and seat –back personal video screens in mod ish aircrafts, * Reservation on telephone and on the internet. 3. Conclusions Turkish airlines (THY) has led to ease of airline analysis, flight scheduling and also provided a means for customers to access and book flights from their homes. It has also increased the speed with which information about customers are retriev ed and handled and flight scheduling is tasked. 4. Recommendations They should focus on the east side of Turkey and they should improve their services about the flyers’ satisfaction. For attracting the clients, Turkish Airlines may give importance to Customer Service Culture While performing the SWOT analysis, the several key issues are to be recommended to the management. These recommendations are intended to assist the Turkish Airlines in keeping its pre-eminent position as it continue strives to be one of the best airline companies in the Today’s airline industry. The Turkish Airlines needs to keep its superiority and stay on top of the competition in the international market, despite the bad times associated with a global economy or strategies implemented by main competitors. The Turkish Airlines needs to thoroughly understand the plans being pursued by the British Airways, Cathay Pacific, and Virgin Atlantic in improving the comfort and quality of service it provides to its customers. The Turkish Airlines needs to continue differentiate itself by examining the strengths/weaknesses, and key points of these and other competitive airlines. By dominating the global regions it will create a greater potential for foreign investments, allowing the Turkish Airlines to sustain their quality efforts. 5. References Attitude Travel (2005) Turkey low cost no frills airlines: www. attitudetravel. com [Accessed 26 June 2005]. Buttle, F. B. (1996) Relationship Marketing Theory and Practice. London: Paul Chapma Cassani, B. and Kemp, K. (2003) go: An Airline Adventure. London: Time Warner Books. Turkish airline home page (1996-2011) http://www. turkishairlines. com/en-INT/corporate/contact_us/index. aspx How to cite Marketing Led of Turkish Airlines, Papers

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